In February 2019, NHS Trusts, researchers and patients across the Kent, Surrey and Sussex region came together to celebrate the excellent health and social care research taking place across the NIHR Clinical Research Network. The awards were presented by Sine Littlewood, head of NIHR CRN business development and marketing, Dr Kate Jones, KSS CRN chief […]
Kate Frost is the new Head of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPI&E) for the Nottingham Bio-medical Research Centre, Clinical Research Facility and Research and Innovation
Celebrating a year since the inaugural session of our YPAG in November 2017, the greatest number of young people ever attended the meeting – 20 – including five new young people. Welcome!
Hello everyone I hope you have had a happy Christmas, here is my blog from the last YPAG Meeting. ‘Research on a new blood test to help diagnose sepsis and serious infections in paediatric emergency departments’ At the last YPAG, we had in attendance researchers from Great North Children’s Hospital. They said: Doctors don’t always […]
14 young people turned up after the summer break, including Malak who, having turned 8 years old a couple of days earlier, was able to join her older brothers Mustafa and Marwan. Professor Paul Seddon welcomed the young people and the Parents and Carers and reminded everyone of the way in which YPAG operates (ground […]
Creating a research glossary with young people for young people to help them understand research terms
Young Research Ambassador’s Luca and Fathima promoting the role of young people in the design of health research to Health Research Authority Staff..
On Saturday the 6th May we had another exciting and packed meeting
Hi guys, Hope you are all well. We had another fabulous time at the YPAG meeting in March 2017, with some researchers from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) attending and discussing some of their new research ideas like LUCY. The LUCY study or project, is a mental health service for young people. The researchers asked us for […]
Esme, Nicke and Freya explore research at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH).