Young people improving health through research

Who is behind it?

GenerationR Alliance Young People’s Advisory Groups (YPAGs) are funded by the National Institute for Health Research and/or NHS organisations through various channels.

YPAGs support the design and delivery of paediatric health research in the UK.

How we help improve clinical research

YPAGs get actively involved in the design and delivery of clinical research.  This is to make sure that it is relevant to children, young people and families.

Find out more.

Meet The Groups

Meet The Groups

GenerationR Alliance consists of many Young People’s Advisory Groups (YPAGs), based around the UK.  The YPAGs meet regularly to learn about clinical and other health related research and discuss how to make it work better for young people.

Meet some of the team and find out what’s happening near you.

GenerationR Alliance

GenerationR Alliance

Do you involve or promote the active involvement of children, young people or families in health research?

Would you like to collaborate and share your experiences with a group of like-minded people?

Would you like to be part of a forum to collate, disseminate and measure the impact of children, young people and family involvement in health research activities?

If you answered “Yes!” to the above then you might want to become a member of GenerationR Alliance read on.

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Jenga, Pizza and a tour! by Orla

Posted by Vijay Tailor-Hamblin on October 23rd, 2024

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