By London YPAG,
On Saturday the 6th May we had another exciting and packed meeting.
Two researchers from the Institute of Child Health showed us a video about illnesses which involved two teens talking about their hospital visits. The researchers asked YPAG’s ideas how to improve information for young people when they transition from child to adult health. They also got us to write speech bubbles about how they could involve young people in their study who go into hospital.
Also our group wrote ideas for young people in research. Our ideas were displayed on the 17th May at GOSH’s Biomedical Research Centre the next 5 years event. Well done Alexis who represented YPAG at this event!
Finally we had a fun session learning about Science facts from the Francis Crick Institute with their origami fortune tellers. I extremely hope we can visit the Francis Crick Institute with our group soon.
Good bye and Good luck to Linda. YPAGs excellent head of our group.
We hope you have a wonderful future !!!
By Oceiah