Audience 8-12

This material been tagged as suitable for young people aged 8-11 years.

Your Rheum Mini Careers: Zahra’s Project

Why did you want to take part in a mini career project? I wanted to take part in a mini career project because I knew what I wanted to be doing, but I just didn’t have the knowledge on how to get there or what the first steps to take were. What career/professional did you […]

Your Rheum Mini Careers: Ecem’s project

  Why did you want to take part in a mini career project? To gain an insight into my dream job and to find out first-hand what it entails. What career/professional did you want to speak to? A paramedic. What key things did you want to ask a paramedic & why? What do you do […]

Red light, Patches and eyeball crafts – 24th September – by Niamh Linehan

On Saturday 24th September 2022, the eye YPAG met in person for the first time since the end of 2019.  I love meeting in person so  much more than on Zoom – although we do have to get up a lot earlier to travel to London!  It’s worth it though!  It was great to catch […]

eyeYPAG and GOSH YPAG train together to be Young Interview Assistants

Hi my name is Walter and I was one of 6 YPAG members who took part in three evening training workshops on Qualitative Interview training in April and May 2022. Below is a Q&A where I tell you about our experiences. You can also listen to myself, Sarun, Niamh and Orla telling other YPAG members […]


Hey this is Ecem, one of the Your Rheum members. Laura and Janet (Your Rheum organisers), at a virtual Your Rheum meeting earlier in the year, talked about an opportunity to write a piece of work for a scientific journal called BioMed Central, or BMC for short. The paper was going to be about the […]

Raising Awareness of Antibiotic Resistance with children and young people – part 2

Blog by Jenny Preston In 2019 I reported on an engagement project that was co-designed by children and young people to explore one of the greatest global public health threats of our time, antibiotic resistance.  The project forms part of the dissemination activities of a NIHR HTA-funded study called BATCH (Biomarker-guided duration of antibiotic treatment […]

Herts YPAG is looking for new members

The Hertfordshire young people’s advisory group (Herts YPAG) are looking for new members who are 10-18 and live in Hertfordshire You don’t need any previous experience, just be interested in getting involved in research about children and young people’s health and care and the communities we live in, and be able to come to 7-8 meetings […]

GOSH YPAG and the ChromaDose Project

GOSH YPAG and Chromadose   We are excited to be involved in a ground-breaking project to personalise childhood cancer treatment. The ChromaDose  technology will be able to calculate each patients’ drug exposure within a drop of their own blood. This will mean, the amount of cancer drugs the patient has can be adjusted to suit […]

Back to school – who asked the students?

Read about Freya’s research project about young people’s views on returning to school during the pandemic.

Making a difference to children’s health research

Hear from Daisy about the impact young people are having on the design of children’s health research.