By Liverpool YPAG,
On April 17 2019, 25 children and young people from the GenerationR Alliance Young People’s Advisory Groups (YPAG’s) travelled to Great Ormond Street Hospital’s (GOSH) new digital hub DRIVE unit, an exciting, state-of-the-art technology space. The event was part of GOSH’s national Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) programme for paediatric health research supported by the GenerationR Alliance and part of DRIVE’s engagement programme with patients and families.
The aim of the day was to ensure future research into new technologies are co-designed specifically for children and young people. During the day the groups took part in four interactive health tech workshops where they met and advised digital researchers and industry colleagues to help them think about how their products could be improved to better meet their needs.
For further details read the report written and compiled by Deirdre Leyden (Patient and Public Involvement Research Lead, NIHR GOSH Biomedical Research Centre).
In the words of a young participant:
“We got to learn about and experience new technologies and consider their applications in a healthcare context. For us some technologies appeared to be more user friendly and engaging than others, but knowing this might help resources be invested better”