About the group

YPAG KSS has been funded initially for one year by a local Sussex based charity called Rockinghorse.

We meet on Saturdays 10-12pm every 2 months at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton.

We have a membership list of about 25 C&YP aged 8 -18rs with average attendance at the Saturday meetings of about 12-15 C&YP.

We also run a parallel Parent & Carers group who meet in a separate room at the same time and provide input on the same projects presented to the C&YP.

Recent activities

Launch of the YPAG KSS in Nov. 2017 featured in NIHR PPI news.

Update on launch and January meeting:

INVOLVE Summer 2017 newsletter (as part of the RDSSE/INVOLVE Partnership event)

Article in the RDSSE Spring/Summer 2018 newsletter (pp6-7):

We have a poster which we are just updating in time for the Brighton Science Festival Oct 2018 – I can forward in due course.

The C&YP have developed a ‘Top Tips’ for researchers who come to present to the group – can be forwarded.


*20th October as part of the Brighton Science Festival*

17th November 2018 – celebrating 1st year!

January 2019 (date tbc)

[photo, directions or contact details here]

Latest from YPAG Kent, Surrey & Sussex (KSS)

YPAG KSS May 2024 Meeting

At the YPAG KSS meeting in May held at the Royal Alex Children’s Hospital in Brighton, we were delighted to welcome some new members. The group had a presentation from Gill Middleditch a MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Community Paediatrics, based at Kent Community NHS Foundation Trust. Gill is working on a project looking at […]

YPAG KSS 6th Anniversary Celebration

The group recently celebrated their 6th anniversary with an art-based workshop led by Sofie Layton.     Sofie has worked as an artist for over 30 years. Sophie’s work includes an art installation at Evelina Children’s Hospital, a residency at Great Ormond Street Hospital and she has worked with the Eye-YPAG based at Moorfields Eye […]

What it’s like being a member of YPAG KSS – by Catherine

I have been fortunate to attend the Kent, Surrey and Sussex NIHR YPAG in Brighton for almost two years. The group is a fantastically friendly forum which meets each month either online or in person at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton. It is enormously uplifting to take part in sessions, and to come […]