YPAG KSS has been funded initially for one year by a local Sussex based charity called Rockinghorse.
We meet on Saturdays 10-12pm every 2 months at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton.
We have a membership list of about 25 C&YP aged 8 -18rs with average attendance at the Saturday meetings of about 12-15 C&YP.
We also run a parallel Parent & Carers group who meet in a separate room at the same time and provide input on the same projects presented to the C&YP.
Launch of the YPAG KSS in Nov. 2017 featured in NIHR PPI news.
Update on launch and January meeting:
INVOLVE Summer 2017 newsletter (as part of the RDSSE/INVOLVE Partnership event)
Article in the RDSSE Spring/Summer 2018 newsletter (pp6-7):
We have a poster which we are just updating in time for the Brighton Science Festival Oct 2018 – I can forward in due course.
The C&YP have developed a ‘Top Tips’ for researchers who come to present to the group – can be forwarded.
*20th October as part of the Brighton Science Festival*
17th November 2018 – celebrating 1st year!
January 2019 (date tbc)
[photo, directions or contact details here]
At the YPAG KSS meeting in September held at the Royal Alex Children’s Hospital in Brighton, the group heard from Freya, a researcher from King’s College London, and Izzie, a Paramedic, about a study called ‘The Child CPR Study’ which aims to generate new knowledge about the experiences and needs of children and young people […]
At the YPAG KSS meeting in May held at the Royal Alex Children’s Hospital in Brighton, we were delighted to welcome some new members. The group had a presentation from Gill Middleditch a MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Community Paediatrics, based at Kent Community NHS Foundation Trust. Gill is working on a project looking at […]
The group recently celebrated their 6th anniversary with an art-based workshop led by Sofie Layton. Sofie has worked as an artist for over 30 years. Sophie’s work includes an art installation at Evelina Children’s Hospital, a residency at Great Ormond Street Hospital and she has worked with the Eye-YPAG based at Moorfields Eye […]