Would you like to help improve research?

Join our Young People’s Advisory Group

Tell us how we can make research into the health of children and young people better.

You don’t need any specialist knowledge in health or research.

WHO: Young people 8 to 18 years who want to make research better for children and young people


WHEN: Every 1-2 months usually on a Saturday morning either in the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE or Online

WHY: To advise people like doctors, nurses and therapists on new research ideas. Together, we come up with new ways to make research better

HOW: Email the Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG) for Kent, Surrey, Sussex:

E: ypagkss@nihr.ac.uk

What the Young People’s Advisory Group does

Gives feedback and ideas to researchers on their projects, for example how to make research information sheets easier for a child or young person to read and understand.

Helps explain why research is important to improve health and to encourage other children and young people to join research studies.



What will I get out of joining?

  • Meet new people
  • Develop skills in presenting and communication
  • Team building skills and confidence
  • Can contribute to your Personal Statement

E: ypagkss@nihr.ac.uk



Further information

We want to involve children and young people (aged 8 -18) because you can give us a valuable insight into the work that we do and help us to improve the overall research experience for everyone.

A Parents & Carers parallel group has also been set up to advise on research and so are also welcome to attend. During research discussions we ask parents and carers to join a separate room from the young people.


Sometimes we will photograph or record our meetings or events. Photos are used for newsletters and publicity. We will always ask for your consent first.

We offer a ‘Thank You’ voucher for attending.

We can provide financial support for travel and car parking.

E: ypagkss@nihr.ac.uk


Date of next meeting

Saturday 18th January 2025 
Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital,
Eastern Road,
Brighton, BN2 5BE

E: ypagkss@nihr.ac.uk   for further information.

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