Audience Researcher

Jenga, Pizza and a tour! by Orla

  At the most recent eyeYPAG meeting, we worked together on various themes. I really enjoyed this session because we did lots of interactive activities like designing a logo for a new research study on myopia in children called COSMYC, which we have heard about in the past.  It was nice to get some updates […]

The Child CPR Study

At the YPAG KSS meeting in September held at the Royal Alex Children’s Hospital in Brighton, the group heard from Freya, a researcher from King’s College London, and Izzie, a Paramedic, about a study called ‘The Child CPR Study’ which aims to generate new knowledge about the experiences and needs of children and young people […]

eye-YPAG at iCAN, Bari, Italy 2024

  Earlier this month, five member of our eye-YPAG, a group facilitator and three parents attended the annual summit of the international Children’s Advisory Network (iCAN) summit. The meeting was hosted by the Teddy Network (European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Research) and took place in Bari, Italy, which was attended by 99 young people, […]

Eye-YPAG meeting 06 July 2024 – by Hamza Noor

This was my first eye-YPAG meeting. I came as a supporting facilitator, because Vijay, the regular facilitator, has had a baby – CONGRATULATIONS VIJAY, from the whole YPAG group!   It was a great meeting!  – 15 children and young people aged 5 to 16 years attended, with the youngest two dipping in and out […]

Research, research, research – lots of new ideas – By Orla

This session was super busy as we had 5 researchers (more than usual) and although it was slightly rushed, I think I learnt lots of new information about research and eye conditions. The first study we heard about was Michael Crossland’s study, which was very interesting.  He is trying to figure out if the amount […]

Apps for School and Patches – by Eleri

The meeting on the 20th of May was very enjoyable and productive. We started off with catching up with each other and then we had a brief of what the meeting itinerary is. We officially began by answering questions such as what have u been up to since we last met; many answers to that […]

New members, Patches and Quality of life – by Ethan

In today’s session we had some new members join us, they were welcomed, and we had some of the original members of the group tell them what we do at YPAG. We started off with Vijay asking us questions and familiarising ourselves with what research is and how it can be beneficial to people. We […]

Red light, Patches and eyeball crafts – 24th September – by Niamh Linehan

On Saturday 24th September 2022, the eye YPAG met in person for the first time since the end of 2019.  I love meeting in person so  much more than on Zoom – although we do have to get up a lot earlier to travel to London!  It’s worth it though!  It was great to catch […]

GOSH YPAG member Hannah reports on her Work Experience

My name is Hannah and I’ve been a Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) YPAG member for a year and a half now. My involvement so far has all been virtual until this summer when myself and another GOSH YPAG member had the opportunity to go on three days of work experience in a research laboratory […]

eyeYPAG and GOSH YPAG train together to be Young Interview Assistants

Hi my name is Walter and I was one of 6 YPAG members who took part in three evening training workshops on Qualitative Interview training in April and May 2022. Below is a Q&A where I tell you about our experiences. You can also listen to myself, Sarun, Niamh and Orla telling other YPAG members […]