Leeds Young Research Owls turned 5 years of age at the end of September 2024. Affectionately known as ‘The Owls’, they celebrated in style with a birthday cake and a record in-person attendance. LYRO leader Heather Rostron said, ‘The Owls continue to be a lively, diverse, and dynamic group. The last 5 years have literally […]
At out last F2F meeting in January, Mr Karl Ward from Research and Innovation Education department, came and spoke to us about the basics of research as part of our new induction the Owls group. We enjoyed taking part in a chocolate randomised controlled trial and hearing about what research actually is and why we […]
In our most recent meeting on 7th March 2024, the spotlight fell upon the innovative CHORAL (Child Health Outcomes Research at Leeds) program. This initiative, spearheaded by the University of Leeds in collaboration with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Leeds Hospitals Charity, stands as a significant effort aimed at confronting the challenges posed by […]
February 2024: I met with the Leeds Young Research Owls when I was developing my research proposal for a NIHR Doctoral Fellowship. They welcomed me to the group and were very interested to hear my research ideas. This generated some useful discussions and gave me lots of valuable and thought-provoking insights which significantly improved my […]