eyeYPAG and GOSH YPAG train together to be Young Interview Assistants

Hi my name is Walter and I was one of 6 YPAG members who took part in three evening training workshops on Qualitative Interview training in April and May 2022. Below is a Q&A where I tell you about our experiences. You can also listen to myself, Sarun, Niamh and Orla telling other YPAG members […]

Spring 2022 eye YPAG meeting by RN

On Saturday April 23 we met one more time on Zoom – we so hope that our next meeting will be face-to-face again! It was great to see each other on screen at least. We talked about what everyone had been doing over the Spring holidays. Then Dr Thomas gave an update on project Oriel, […]

Eleri has drawn a special Christmas message from eyeYPAG!

  Thank you Eleri, and for all your wonderful contributions to eyeYPAG over the past year – Merry Christmas!  

September EyeYPAG meeting – focus on Dissemination

On Saturday 25th September 2021, in our YPAG meeting, we spent some time trying to help Mr Larkin and his team share the results of their KERALINK trial in a way people would understand. The KERALINK trial tested the ‘cross-linking’ treatment for Kerataconus, to try and stop the deterioration of sight in young people with […]

eyeYPAG: the evaluation

Update: we’ve published an academic journal article about our evaluation! You can read it here.  eyeYPAG started in Spring 2019 so, after our first two years, we wanted to evaluate* the eyeYPAG so that we could learn from everyone involved what has been good about the group, what difference we have made and how we […]

Summer 21 eyeYPAG meeting by Jasmine

We started off with a drawing challenge: draw something that represents what you like about eyeYPAG or what eyeYPAG means to you 🎨. Here are a few of our drawings: Some of us are working with Louca-Mai on an evaluation of our group. We’ve done surveys and focus groups to get the views of group […]

eyePATCH adventures: eyeYPAG’s March 2021 meeting by Berkley

We started this eyeYPAG meeting with a scavenger hunt! Then Jacq showed us all the final version of our group shared agreements, with a new border designed by Niamh and Orla. You can see the video and read more about them here: https://generationr.org.uk/eyeypag_shared-agreements/. We agreed that we would play the video at the start of […]

Shared agreements: eyeYPAG’s ways of working by Jacq Miller

A Research Advisory Group with a ‘Co-Production’ vibe From the beginning, we wanted our YPAG (Young People’s Advisory Group) at Moorfields Eye Hospital to have a ‘co-production’ feel; we aspired to work together with a sense of everyone being equal, with every member’s views heard and valued. To help us, we were lucky to partner […]

Jan 21 eyeYPAG meeting by Eleri

Hi and welcome to the next blog for eyeYPAG. We had our 11th meeting, and our 6th meeting on Zoom, on 23rd January 2021. We started off with a show and tell game and then sang happy birthday to the group members who’d had birthdays since our last meeting. Then Jacq showed us the latest […]

eyeYPAG November meeting by Eleri

At the start of the meeting, we played a fun game of ‘would you rather’ in the form of a Zoom poll. After that, we sang a heart-warming “happy birthday” to those who have a birthday since our last meeting. Then, Louca-Mai updated us on the radio interview she and some group members did for […]