By London YPAG,
The On the Button theatre invited YPAG members on 28 July 2018 to watch their new play Jude Starbeam, give our feedback on how the audience responded to the play and help the company think about whether the research element in the production made sense. GOSH has been working with the theatre company to help shape some workshops which are based on brain injuries in children and the research that is behind this at GOSH.
I really enjoyed seeing Jude Starbeam at the Albany Theatre.
I especially thought the visual effects, computer, shadow puppets, film and lighting were effective. I also thought the actors were good and Sophie’s singing was amazing.
It was really great meeting the Director Ben, Sophie (Captain Nix) and the person whom helped the story with his own life experience of brain injury. I talked about the things I really liked about their production and the things that could make it better.
I hope to be involved again and see the final piece with some of my ideas included in it!