Jenga, Pizza and a tour! by Orla

By Vijay Tailor-Hamblin,


At the most recent eyeYPAG meeting, we worked together on various themes. I really enjoyed this session because we did lots of interactive activities like designing a logo for a new research study on myopia in children called COSMYC, which we have heard about in the past.  It was nice to get some updates and help with the logo design. We all drew our ideas for a prototype logo, and they will be shared with a professional illustrator who will produce a final based around our work.


We also did some work on words used in research that may be hard for some younger YPAG members to understand I think it also helped me realise though which words that to seem simple might not be. We did some work on words used in research that may be hard for younger YPAG members to understand.  I think it also helped me realise which words that seem simple might not be for others.


However, my favourite part of this session was that we got a tour of the Moorfield research facilities which I found very interesting.  We always talk about improving the research environment and experience, but some of us have never been in the physical rooms that are used.  It was fun and informative because we were able to see how the equipment that is used with patients.  I know it really helped me get a feel for how it would be to take part in eye research and while I found it fun to see pictures of the back of our eyes and use the special machines, I think that I can now better contribute to conversations about children’s research having seen some of what they experience during a research visit.