Audience 15-18

These interactive resources will help young people improve research.
You can select a Filter from the tabs above, or browse the list below
(most recent shown first).

How should YPAGs members get a say in research funding?

Nuffield Council on Bioethics report

A trip to Oslo!

Report of our trip to Oslo to help improve the usability of a questionnaire

Learning about research ethics in the classroom

These scenarios have been developed and tested by Generation R YPAGs.

Health research: making the right decision for me

Short animation exploring clinical research from the perspective of children.

Clinical Research Workshop

This is a workshop on clinical research that can be run by teachers with young people as a learning exercise.

Ethical Medicines Industry Group Meeting

Report from a recent meeting attended by Liverpool YPAG members Georgia Semple and Robyn Challinor

Clinical Trials card sorting exercise

This exercise develops knowledge of different types of research and related terminology. The task requires young people to match a phrase with its definition.

Do you want to see a 3D model of your heart?

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London is researching 3-dimensional models of congenital heart diseases.

Sheena explains why she joined the YPAG

In this short video, Nottingham YPAG member Sheena talks about why she wants to get involved in research.

Generation R: Young people improving research

How children, young people and families have improved the design, development and delivery of paediatric research.